How to cancel Magzter subscription {2 ways}
Are you looking for How to cancel Magzter subscription? If yes, due to any reason you are willing to cancel your Magzter subscription for the year 2024 then you can go ahead and cancel your Magzter subscription by following the step-by-step guide which we are going to let you know in this article below.
The process to cancelling the Magzter subscription is very easy and it can be done by you using your login details on the official website of the
How to cancel Magzter subscription
Many times Magzter users doesn’t want to renew their subscription due to many reasons such as they don’t like the product or simply they do not have time to read the magazines and newspapers which they are getting in their subscription hence they look for the options to surrender there plan.
If you do not wish to continue with your Magzter Gold Subscription Plan then it becomes very necessary to cancel it because once your plan reaches the due date the company will auto renew your subscription by debiting your card.
In that case you will receive a message from your bank that xyz amount has been debited from your debit card or credit card for payment towards
To avoid the auto debit you must cancel your subscription before the due date.
Why Cancelling the Subscription is More Important than Expiration
If you submit the cancellation request it means that you are instructing the Magzter that you do not wish to continue with their services. in such case Magzter will erase your data from there auto renewal subscription. so that you do not get auto charged from your bank.
In this case you will not be needing to contact the Magzter customer care department to instruct them to cancel your subscription and then wait for more 15 to 30 working days to get your money back in your bank account or card.
On the other hand if you are letting your Magzter subscription get expired in such case there are possibilities that if you have used your debit or credit card while purchasing the subscription. your card will be auto debited for the regular plan amount.
so it is always a wise decision to cancel your subscription before the due date rather than letting it expire.
Step by step Guide to Cancel Magzter Subscription
kindly follow the detailed step by step guide below to cancel your Magzter subscription.
- First of all visit
- Login into your account using your login details
- After that go into your account section
- Select Magzter gold option
- Click on the manage tab
- After that click on the stop auto renewal for Magzter link
- Select any reason of cancellation from the list and click on submit button
- Your auto renewal of the plan will be cancelled immediately
Hope you were able to surrender your Magzter plan by using above steps. If due to some reason this trick doesn’t work for you then you can also mail them and ask them to forfeit your plan.
Your plan will be cancelled by them and you will get a notification on your email id for the same.
Final Words- So friends this was the detailed article on how to cancel Magzter subscription. I hope by following the steps you were able to cancel your Magzter subscription. If you don’t want to renew the subscription then you should go ahead and surrender the subscription. You can repurchase the Subscription anytime you want. hope you find this article very useful for you. help your friends or relatives with the same information you can share this article.